Wednesday, November 7, 2012

From Class

D: Solaristics

The Evolving Study of Solaris

D: Dæmon


Wallace Stevens - Concordance

Oak Leaves Are Hands

The Poem That Took The Place Of A Mountain

Primitive Like An Orb

The Planet on the Table

Ariel was glad he had written his poems
they were of a remembered time
or of something seen he liked

Other makings of the sun
were waste and welter
and the ripe shrub writhed

his self and the sun were one
and his poems, although makins of his self
were no less makings of the sun

it was not important that they be remembered
what mattered was that they should bear
some liniment or character

Their affluence, if only half-percieved
in the poverty of their writing
of the planet of which they were part

Tea at the Palaz of Hoon


Add this to Rhetoric

The Snow Man

Man Carrying Thing

Postcard From the Volcano

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